The Gate module only passes on the incoming values (sent into the valueIn port) or incoming MIDI events (sent into the MIDIIn port) if the gate is open.
The gate is open if there is any active note playing on the gate input port. It doesn't matter how many notes are active, as long as there is at least one note active, the gate is open and the values and MIDI events are passed through.
The MIDIIn port additionally stores the state for each incoming note event. That means if there was a note-on event for a note coming into the MIDIIn port, and it is still active (= no note-off event has been sent yet), it generates a note off event to stop the note if the gate is closed. And also sends a note on event if the gate is opened again while the note is still active. This only applies to note events, all other events are ignored while the gate is closed.
Example use case: Lets say you want to control CC 1 (modulation) using the x-axis of your hand in front of the camera. But only if your hand is open, otherwise it shouldn't send any CC values. So you connect the x port of the hand tracking module to the valueIn port of your Gate module. To close the gate while the hand is closed, you can for example create a Threshold module. Connect the open port of the hand tracking module to the value input port of the Threshold module. Now go to the settings of the Threshold module and change the "Send events if value is" setting to "higher". Now the Threshold module will send MIDI a note-on event if the hand is open enough, and send a note-off event if it is closed again. Now connect the MIDIOut port of the Threshold module with the gate input port of the Gate module. The effect of this is that now the gate is opened whenever your hand is open more than half (= when the Threshold sends a note), and closes if your hand is closed again.
The values sent to this port are sent out of the valueOut port if the gate is open.
The MIDI events sent to this port are sent out of the MIDIOut port if the gate is open.
The gate is open if there is any note actively playing on this input port. If there is no active note, then the gate is closed.
Sends the incoming values from the valueIn port if the gate is open.
Range: 0.0 to 1.0
Sends the incoming MIDI events from the MIDIIn port if the gate is open