This creates a very simple synthesizer. Very useful to play around with different setups directly on the device (without having to send the MIDI events to external devices to generate a sound) and to show friends how good are at making music with your face or the "Theremin", but probably not much more. The only reason I added this to the first release was that it was kind of boring that the app itself couldn't make any sounds otherwise. Note that there will (hopefully) be better ways to generate sounds in the app in the future...

Handles Note-On, Note-Off, Volume and Modulation Control Change events to generate sounds.
Waveform: The waveform of the generated sound: Sine, Square, Sawtooth and Triangle.
Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release: The envelope settings.
Mono Mode: If enabled, the synthesizer only uses one voice and glides to new notes if a new Note-On is received.
Glide Speed: How fast should the pitch glide to the target pitch when using Mono Mode.
Volume: The volume of the generated sound.